thebruce0's Geocaching Homepage!
It's currently always under construction...
A bit about the hobby
I took up Geocaching in May of 2009, and haven't looked back. It's an amazing pastime, providing entertainment, education, exercise, and great opportunities to meet new people. I've cached exclusively with an iPhone, starting with the 3GS, to the 4S, 5S, 6S Plus, and currently with the 8S Plus.
You can take a look at the hobby by visiting I've created this page as a kind of introduction, and jumping point with a number of links, listed below. In time, this page will expand with more and more...
I have placed a number of caches myself, from simple park & grabs to higher terrain challenges and difficult puzzles. One fun puzzle cache I created recently for a friend turns your phone into a polaroid camera!
I also have a few trackable items, and had let loose a few in the wild with the hope that they'd accomplish their goals and return.
- The only GPS you'll ever need! {knock on wood} - My geocaching/GPS device ever since 2009. It began as an iPhone 3GS, then a 4S, then a 5S, then 6S Plus, then 8S Plus! My longest-traveled personal TB.
- DEJA (previously, the Dopplecar) - Everyone needs some sort of geovehicle, whether it's a bus, bike, car, or unicycle. DEJA was born of the Dopplecar, a TB that regularly 'became' rental vehicles over the course of more than a year, until it settled on its current form, and name. And now she travels freely, far and wide!
Jaspa's Japan Journey - the hope is for it to climb some of the thick beautiful mountains in Japan, and then delve into a deep cave before returning home. It's now MIA :(
Mysterious Traveling Briefcase of Mystery - a different kind of TB wherein the hope is that those picking up and moving it would write a short creative story about what they find inside the little briefcase, then replace it with something else for the next person who picks it up. This one hasn't been spotted in ages. :(
[November 28, 2016]
The Saga of hrunting and thebruce - An Icelandic Winter Road Trip!

Photos, videos, and full writeup!
[July 22, 2009]
From my 5/5 cache called "Tomb Raider":
For more videos of Geocaching Adventures,
please subscribe to my youtube channel
Cache The Line!
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Regional Geocaching Policies Reference (Ontario)